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GlobalPlatform Names New Card Committee Chair

3 July 2007: The GlobalPlatform Board of Directors has elected Jean-Loup Dépinay, OpenPlatform Architect from Oberthur Card Systems, to the role of Chairman for the organization’s Card Committee. The appointment takes place with immediate effect.

Jean-Loup has been an active participant of the GlobalPlatform Card Committee throughout the past nine years and during this time has contributed his technical expertise to the development of the GlobalPlatform Card Specifications. Prior to his appointment as Card Committee Chair, he held the position of Vice Chair within the committee.

Jean-Loup has extensive knowledge and experience of smart card architecture and implementation. Working for Oberthur Card Systems (previously Delarue Card Systems) since 1997, Jean-Loup has built and managed several Java Card platforms which have been deployed world-wide in single market and converging market programs across the banking, identity and mobile telecommunication sectors. He has also been responsible for developing Java Card security improvements which led to the delivery of several security certificates such as common criteria and FIPS 140 for Oberthur’s smart card products.

Within his new role as Chair of the GlobalPlatform Card Committee, Jean-Loup’s key and immediate priorities will include finalizing the Universal Integrated Circuit Card (UICC) configuration for the mobile market, launching a task force to develop the next generation GlobalPlatform Card Specifications and developing the compliance program for GlobalPlatform Card Specification v2.2. He will be supported by Kiushan Pirzadeh from Visa International who becomes the Card Committee’s new Vice Chair.

Jean-Loup succeeds Klaus Gungl, Senior Smart Card Systems Architect at IBM Global Services, who chaired the GlobalPlatform Card Committee for just under two years.

Bob Beer, Chairman of GlobalPlatform and Vice President of Business Development at Datacard Group, comments: “Jean-Loup Depinay has been a committed and respected member of the GlobalPlatform Card Committee for a long time. He was selected to continue to drive forward the work of the committee because of his capabilities and dedication. On behalf of the GlobalPlatform Board and membership I wish him every success in his new role. I would also like to thank Klaus Gungl for his service to GlobalPlatform. His period of leadership coincided with some very significant technical achievements within the GlobalPlatform Card Committee. His contribution is greatly appreciated.”

'The GlobalPlatform Card Specification defines an independent smart card environment and is currently supported on top of Java Card and MULTOS.

GlobalPlatform is the global leader in smart card infrastructure development and its proven, technical specifications for cards, devices and systems are known as the standard for smart card infrastructure. The organization is a member driven association with cross-industry representation from all world continents. For more information about GlobalPlatform, visit:


For further media information on GlobalPlatform, please contact
Lee’ann Kaufman / Sarah Jones
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+44 (0) 113 274 5252

About GlobalPlatform

GlobalPlatform is a member driven organization with world-wide cross-industry representation. GlobalPlatform is the leading, international association, focused on establishing and maintaining interoperable specifications for single and multi-application smart cards, acceptance devices and systems infrastructure that deliver benefits to issuers, service providers and technology suppliers.

These specifications are known as the standard for smart card infrastructure, thanks to their balance of technical superiority and business justification.

GlobalPlatform specifications are freely available and have been adopted in Europe, Asia, Australia and the Americas by many public and private bodies. As of December 2006, there were over 40 known GlobalPlatform-based smart card implementations worldwide and 110 million GlobalPlatform cards in global circulation. These figures are estimated to rise to 60 and 150 million, respectively, by the end of 2007. Additionally, there are 1.2 billion GlobalPlatform GSM implementations worldwide.

GlobalPlatform is an independent, not-for-profit organization and its strategy is defined and prioritized by a Board of Directors. GlobalPlatform is currently chaired by Robert E. Beer, Vice President Business Development, Datacard Group, and vice-chaired by Marc Kekicheff, Vice President Product Technology, Visa International. Didier Begay, Prospective Manager, Corporate Directorate for Security at France Telecom is GlobalPlatform’s Treasurer and Kevin Gillick serves the membership on a full-time basis as its Executive Director.

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