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Certification Program Updates

The GlobalPlatform Certification Program is structured to evolve as new technologies are introduced and new security threats arise. Below is the list of updates.

The Test Suites are now listed on their own page here. For updates prior to 2018, please contact the Secretariat.

Operations Bulletins

22 Jul 2024 - Functional Bulletin No 39

Contactless Extension Test Suites usage

28 Jun 2024 - Functional Bulletin No 38

Test Suites Activation / Deactivation schedule

09 Apr 2024 - OSIA Bulletin No 2

Participation forms updated

12 Feb 2024 - TEE Bulletin No 38

Application of Attack Potential for TEE, MCU and similar devices v2.0

23 Oct 2023 - Functional Bulletin No 37

Test Suites Activation / Deactivation schedule

20 Oct 2023 - TEE Bulletin No 37

Application of Attack Potential for TEE, MCU and similar devices v1.9

18 Jul 2023 - Functional Bulletin No 36

eUICC Consumer Test Suites Activation / Deactivation schedule

30 May 2023 - Functional Bulletin No 35

Complaint & Appeals Process Document

30 May 2023 - Functional Bulletin No 34

Test Suite Activation Schedule

11 Apr 2023 - Functional Bulletin No 33

eUICC Consumer – SGP.22 v3.x compliance program

27 Mar 2023 - TEE Bulletin No 36

Cryptographic Recommendations for TEE Mechanisms

23 Mar 2023 - Functional Bulletin No 32

Qualification Termination on request

01 Mar 2023 - OSIA Bulletin No 1

OSIA global qualification program

20 Oct 2022 - Functional Bulletin No 31

SCO & XML configuration option for new eUICC version management

17 Jan 2022 - Functional Bulletin No 30

Self-testing: Fees updated and Specific Product Configuration Clarification

15 Nov 2021 - Functional Bulletin No 29

Updated SE SCO related to communication protocols

08 Sep 2021 - Functional Bulletin No 28

Test suites activation/deactivation

30 Aug 2021 - TEE Bulletin No 34

New TEE Evaluation Methodology v1.2

30 Aug 2021 - SE Bulletin No 35

New SE Evaluation Methodology v1.0

03 Aug 2021 - Functional Bulletin No 27

Test suites activation/deactivation

04 Jun 2021 - TEE Bulletin No 33

New TEE Security Target Template v1.1.0

04 Jun 2021 - TEE Bulletin No 32

New TEE Evaluation Methodology v1.1.0

25 May 2021 - Functional Bulletin No 26

Updated Qualification and Listing Agreements for product vendors, test tool vendors and laboratories

25 May 2021 - TEE Bulletin No 31

New TEE Vendor and Lab Agreement

25 May 2021 - TEE Bulletin No 30

New TEE Certification Process v2.0

25 May 2021 - SE Bulletin No 29

New SE Vendor and Lab Agreements

25 May 2021 - SE Bulletin No 28

New SE Certification Process v2.0

25 May 2021 - SE Bulletin No 27

New SE Protection Profile v1.0

26 Feb 2021 - Bulletin No 25

Test suites activation/deactivation – GSMA programs

28 Jan 2021 - Bulletin No 24

Test suites deactivation – GSMA programs

30 Sep 2020 - TEE Bulletin No 2

New TEE Protection Profile

24 Sep 2020 - Bulletin No 23

Test suites activation – GSMA programs

14 Sep 2020 - Bulletin No 22

Products qualified by GlobalPlatform for GSMA programs

03 Mar 2020 - Bulletin No 21

Samples storage for SoCs products Compliance

24 Dec 2019 - Bulletin No 20

Replacement of a previously accepted SCO

29 Jul 2019 - Bulletin No 19/2nd Edition

Test Suites Activation and Deactivation schedule

11 Jul 2019 - Bulletin No 19

Test Suites Activation and Deactivation schedule

24 Apr 2019 - Bulletin No 18

10 years lifetime extension for products qualified by GlobalPlatform for GSMA programs

09 Jan 2019 - Bulletin No 17

New Test Suite Activation

16 Jan 2018 - Bulletin No 15

XML Test Report Signature – Effective March 1st, 2018

16 Jan 2018 - Bulletin No 16

Self-testing: Registration and Publication of fully compliant Products

01 Jan 2018 - TEE Bulletin No 1

TEE Certification Operations Bulletin – Laboratories undergoing accreditation process.

23 Jun 2017 - Bulletin No 14

UICC and CIC Test Suites Activation

15 Mar 2017 - Bulletin No 13

Card SCO in pdf format only

07 Jun 2016 - Bulletin No 11

Test Suite Activation

10 Jul 2015 - Bulletin No 10

Renewal of Product Qualification

09 Jul 2015 - Bulletin No 9

Change & Derivative Product Qualification Regression Tests to be run

08 Mar 2015 - Bulletin No 8

Products Qualification when A new Test Suite is activated.

07 Feb 2015 - Bulletin No 7

Using the ‘SCP03 common’ Package of the CIC configuration during a UICC v1.0 product qualification.

06 Nov 2014 - Bulletin No 6

Test Report Template Update

05 Jul 2014 - Bulletin No 5

Product supporting optional secure channel protocols, Products supporting optional token cryptography.

04 Jul 2014 - Bulletin No 4

SWP/HCI Product Qualification – Tests to be run

03 Mar 2014 - Bulletin No 3

SCO Update (v2.0) related to UICC Memory Management extension and UICC SCP81 extension Test Suites activation.

22 May 2013 - Bulletin No 2

SCO Update (v1.8) related to Multi protocols testing

28 Feb 2013 - Bulletin No 1

Non supported options testing

Program Updates

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