Register: SESIP Seminar Barcelona
With the support of Platinum sponsor, Winbond, Gold sponsor, STMicroelectronics, and Supporting sponsor SGS Brightsight, GlobalPlatform’s seminar will explore the applicability of SESIP in the context of European regulation and explain how product developers and issuers can benefit from the methodology.
Join us to hear from Amazon, Arm / PSA Certified, CEN CENELEC, ENISA, ETSI TC Cyber, Eurosmart, ECSO, Microsoft and many more, sharing insights and real-life case studies that demonstrate how SESIP:
- Reduces complexity, cost and time-to-market for different IoT stakeholders.
- Facilitates device certification through principles of composition and reuse across different evaluations.
- Maps to other schemes including EN 303 645, and PSA Certified to help product manufacturers comply with specific EU security requirements and regulations.
- Can be adopted by labs to help build consistency across IoT certification schemes.
The seminar will take place at the Gran Havana Hotel, Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 647, 08010 Barcelona, Spain.
If you would like to book a room at this hotel, please contact via email at grupos@granhotelhavana.com using the group code 687. The hotel does not use a booking link.
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