GlobalPlatform achieves ISO/IEC 17065 compliance
By ensuring the compliance of its functional and security certification processes to ISO 17065, GlobalPlatform aims to demonstrate its state-of-the-art certification processes. This strengthens the value of the certificates vendors achieve through our schemes, supports existing relationships with our industry partners and positions GlobalPlatform to seize opportunities as IoT cybersecurity certification requirements evolve.
The certification process agreements have been updated to align with the terms used in the Certification Body Quality manual and process:
- GlobalPlatform Technology TEE Certification Process v2.0
- GlobalPlatform Technology SE Certification Process v2.0
- GlobalPlatform Self Testing and Product Qualification Processes v1.2.4
Though roles and responsibilities remain unchanged, it is important that all certifications now take place under the new agreements. We encourage members and other parties to contact any colleagues that may be impacted by these updates and begin internal processes of signature to avoid delays when beginning your next certification project.
View the updated scheme