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Smart Card Curriculum To Be Pioneered By GlobalPlatform

26 July 2005: GlobalPlatform, the global leader in smart card infrastructure development, has created the industry’s first interactive curriculum that will educate smart card technology end users of the advantages in deploying a standardized smart card infrastructure.

Enlisting the expertise of the CMOOR Group, a technical curriculum and education provider, GlobalPlatform has developed an instructor-led program to provide those operating in the smart card market with an educational understanding of why GlobalPlatform technology is the solution to the business problems associated with lack of a standardized smart card infrastructure.

The technical workshop addresses the value of each component within the smart card infrastructure - the card, device and system and what each component brings to the marketplace. Following this introduction, the main focus is to provide a technical understanding on each of the GlobalPlatform Specifications. From a business perspective, the curriculum highlights why standardization within the industry is important, the role that each of the Specifications play in the smart card environment and the value of bringing all three components together to form a complete standardized smart card infrastructure.

Bob Beer, Vice President of Business Development at Datacard Group and Chair of GlobalPlatform, comments: “The development of the interactive technical curriculum demonstrates our continued commitment to driving the adoption of standards within the smart card marketplace, as it provides a new vehicle to communicate with existing and potential end users of our technology.

“Although the number of smart card programs based on GlobalPlatform technology continues to increase, we believe there are still many more issuers and program operators who could benefit from using our royalty free specifications. By explaining the value of each technical specification and its application in the real world, participants can understand both the technical and business advantages of creating a holistic smart card infrastructure.”

Packaged as a full day technical workshop, the series of modules will be launched at Smart University , 20 September 2005, an event held in association with the GlobalPlatform, Euro Smart, Java Card Forum and FINREAD co-hosted e-Smart event, 21-23 September 2005. Delivered to a maximum of 30 registered participants by GlobalPlatform Committee Chairs, the limited group size will ensure sufficient time is available for discussions. Bob concludes: “Once the first workshop has been completed in September, it is viewed that GlobalPlatform’s technical curriculum will be adapted, refined and exported to industry gatherings in different regions and target sectors globally.”

For further information, or to register for GlobalPlatform’s Technical Training Workshop, please visit or email


For further media information, please contact Sarah Bayne or Shona Clarke at Harrison Cowley on +44 (0) 870 606 0960 or email /

Notes to Editors:

Smart University 20 September 2005 This element of the e-Smart conference offers delegates the opportunity to widen their understanding of new smart card technological and strategic issues within the context of real case studies and live testimonials.


Driven by over 50 cross-industry member organizations, GlobalPlatform is the leading, international association, focused on establishing and maintaining interoperable specifications for single and multi-application smart cards, acceptance devices and systems infrastructure that deliver benefits to issuers, service providers and technology suppliers.

These specifications are known as the standard for smart card infrastructure, thanks to their balance of technical superiority and business justification.

GlobalPlatform specifications are available royalty-free and have been adopted in Europe, North America, Asia and Australia by many public and private bodies. Currently, there are over 30 GlobalPlatform-based smart card implementations world-wide and approximately 70 million GlobalPlatform cards are in global circulation.

GlobalPlatform is an independent, not-for-profit organization and its strategy is defined and prioritized by a Board of Directors. GlobalPlatform is currently chaired by Chairman Robert E. Beer, Vice President Business Development, Datacard Group.

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