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Phase Two of Member program demonstrates interoperability and puts into practice the final link of the organisation’s solutions.

23 October 2001: GlobalPlatform has announced the expansion of its Member smart card program, with the implementation of a smart card acceptance device employing the GlobalPlatform Terminal Framework Specification* (previously known as Open Platform Terminal Framework, or OPTF) version 1.5. This new device will be launched at GlobalPlatform’s All Member meeting in Paris on 25th October 2001, to facilitate onsite Member administration. The implementation enhances and completes the multiple application smart card and the card and application management system that were implemented in May 2001.

Following a Board decision to extend the applications on the card to showcase other GlobalPlatform technologies, GlobalPlatform issued a Request for Proposal to Members to develop a device and Ingenico was chosen as the endorsed solution provider. Ingenico is providing its Elite 710-32 terminal connected to an Elite 140 printer. This commercially available solution utilises the GlobalPlatform Terminal Specifications to dynamically manage the addition of applications to the device after it has been deployed at the point-of-sale or in a similar arrangement.

This configuration will enable smart card access to All Member meetings by simply dipping a GlobalPlatform Smart Card at a registration terminal. A customised name badge will be immediately printed utilising information, such as name and company, which is contained in the authentication application of the card.

Another function of this program is the ability for cardholders to redeem ‘gift tokens’ stored on the smart card. Tokens are downloaded onto Members’ smart cards after 25 successful log-ons to the Member website, using smart card access. Upon meeting registration, the device will display if a gift token is resident on the card of a GlobalPlatform Member and automatically disable the token once the gift has been claimed.

* The GlobalPlatform Terminal Framework Specification aims to provide an abstract layer upon which to develop the kernel of the device application.
Steve Brown, Chair of GlobalPlatform and Head of Business Development, Messaging and Security, at BT Ignite, comments: “This is an excellent example of the GlobalPlatform Specifications for card, systems and device working in unison to provide a complete customer solution. To date, GlobalPlatform has issued approximately 150 cards to participants of its 55 Member organisations and has used this smart card deployment to authenticate users on its Member website and to secure its online Board election by applying a digital signature to submitted ballots. We are now able to leverage the applications on the card by automating much of the administration that occurs at our group meetings.”

Bernard Morvant, General Manager Business Development at Ingenico S.A., comments: “We are very pleased to demonstrate the first terminal platform, which takes advantage of the GlobalPlatform specifications, the new STIP 2.0 specifications and the applet specified by GlobalPlatform. As GlobalPlatform has differentiated the platform from the application in this approach, time to market will be reduced considerably. It also guarantees the portability of the application to other device platforms, such as other terminal vendors and GSM and PDA device category vendors.

“I also anticipate that banks or large retailers who have to support several types of hardware, will adopt this approach, as they will be able to reduce the total cost of ownership of their infrastructure, by maintaining only one application across different hardware platforms.”

The development of the terminal applications for the GlobalPlatform implementation was made through Ingeode (INGEnico Open Development Environment), which enables development on PC, simulation on PC, debugging on PC or on target. The development environment is compatible with STIP and the GlobalPlatform Terminal Framework.

Demonstrations of the GlobalPlatform smart card device are being conducted at the Cartes 2001 Exhibition in Paris. Interested parties can visit Ingenico at stand E30 in the Exhibition Hall.


For further information regarding GlobalPlatform, please contact Dan Bleakman or Lee’ann Connell at Sinclair Mason on Tel: + 44 (0) 113 237 0777 or e-mail: or

GlobalPlatform contact at Cartes 2001: Lee’ann Connell on Tel: +44 (0) 7802 487 624

For further information regarding Ingenico Group, please contact Caroline Bochard-Garnier, on
Tel + 33 (0) 146 25 82 56 or e-mail

Notes to editors

About GlobalPlatform:
GlobalPlatform is the only cross-industry forum focused on the development, management and promotion of specifications for multiple application smart cards, smart card applications, and enabling devices. With support from its global member organizations, GlobalPlatform promotes a standard framework facilitating the implementation of smart card programs in any industry around the world. GlobalPlatform allows flexibility in the choice of technologies and vendors through an emphasis on open standards for cards, terminals and support infrastructure. GlobalPlatform’s card and terminal specifications are the first open standards adopted by GlobalPlatform and will provide a solid foundation from which the organization will define the future of multiple application smart cards.

GlobalPlatform totals fifty-five members from across Europe, USA, Australia, Japan and Korea, including issuers, manufacturers, and vendors of multiple application smart cards, such as American Express, MasterCard International, Motorola, Microsoft, Nokia, Proton World, Schlumberger, Sun Microsystems and Visa International, as well as several government bodies.

About Ingenico Group:

The Ingenico Group is the Nº1 supplier of secure transaction systems in the world. It designs and produces terminals, systems and associated software for electronic trade. It has invested heavily in R&D to achieve technological advances in both hardware and software, and thus contributed greatly to standard-setting in the industry.

Ingenico adapted quickly to evolving markets in very different environments. Today, the Group is mobilising its know-how to diversify into emerging markets such as electronic & mobile commerce.

Ingenico’s growth is accelerated by a policy of acquisitions and strategic alliances that has provided it with a strong presence on the five continents.

The Company now has 1,500 employees and is diversifying into emerging applications, focusing mainly on e-commerce, m-commerce, Internet services, “B2B” and “B2C” (business –to-business and business-to customer).

In 2001, group turnover is expected to reach 300 million euros, which would represent a growth of 28% on 2000.

Having sold more than 5,000,000 terminals to date in 70 countries, Ingenico Group is the leading manufacturer of payment terminals.

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