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How we work

Energetic and effective industry collaboration is key to developing standards that enable convenient and trusted digital services and devices across market sectors.

Developing standards that foster adoption of new technology for secure digital services and devices requires innovative thinking, grounded in knowledge and experience.

GlobalPlatform standardized technologies and certifications are developed through energetic and effective cross-industry collaboration, led by diverse member companies working in partnership with industry and regulatory bodies and other interested parties from around the world:

  • Diverse member companies with 2500+ industry representatives empower open and consensus-driven development of GlobalPlatform standardized technologies.
  • GlobalPlatform’s work is carried out by member-led technical committees and task forces.
  • A network of 30+ industry partners comprising standards organizations and industry bodies, as well as other interested parties, collaborate with GlobalPlatform to ensure its technologies address new requirements from the entire eco-system.

Organization Structure

GlobalPlatform, a member-driven industry association, is structured to empower cross-industry collaboration in support of its vision and mission. A Board of Directors made up of representatives from GlobalPlatform Full Member companies is responsible for the organization’s strategy, working with an Executive Team that manages day-to-day operations. GlobalPlatform work products are developed by its membership through technical committees, working groups and task forces.

Learn more about who we are
Collaboration Opportunities
GlobalPlatform’s work is carried out by technical committees, working groups and task forces, led by members and in collaboration with industry partners.

Our committees manage the maintenance and evolution of GlobalPlatform standardized technologies and certifications.

Each committee is supported by working groups focused on specific technology areas.

These groups are chaired by representatives from GlobalPlatform member organizations. Participation is open to full and participating members.

Our task forces provide guidance on market sector and geographical requirements, trends, opportunities and challenges. This input shapes the development and evolution of standardized technologies and certifications that address business, security, regulatory and data protection needs.

These groups are chaired by representatives from GlobalPlatform member organizations. Participation is open to all members.

GlobalPlatform maintains a strong collaboration partner network to ensure its technology addresses new requirements from the entire eco-system.

Standards bodies and regional organizations across the world partner with GlobalPlatform to share expertise and to align respective standardization and certification initiatives to support market adoption.

Learn more about GlobalPlatform membership

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