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This document describes the security model for the administration of Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) and the administration of Trusted Applications (TAs) and corresponding Security Domains (SDs). In particular, it presents the roles and responsibilities of the different stakeholders involved in the administration of a TEE and TA, the life cycle of administrated entities, and the mechanisms involved in administration operations.

This document also describes an ASN.1 implementation (referred to as the ASN.1 Profile). Other profiles may be defined in separate specifications.

Previous Version(s)

TEE Management Framework including ASN.1 Profile v1.1.1 | GPD_SPE_120 Nov 2020

This document is a maintenance release.

TEE Management Framework including ASN.1 Profile v1.1 | GPD_SPE_120 Aug 2020

A minor version release of the TMF ASN.1 Profile, with the following additions and bug fixes applied:

- Added Fetch object to permit retrieval of public keys belonging to a SD
- Added Update TA and Data for atomic updates
- Moved definition of CryptoProcIDs to normative - moving section B.2 to 8.3.4
- The ISA type, introduced in V1.0 and defined in 9.1.4, required information that is not present in the Client or Core API

TEE Management Framework including ASN.1 Profile v1.0.1 | GPD_SPE_120 May 2019

This is a maintenance release for the purpose of better aligning the name and internal terminology with the new GPD TMF OTrP Profile document.

TEE Management Framework v1.0 | GPD_SPE_120 Dec 2016

This document describes the security model for the administration of Trusted Execution Environments (TEE) and the administration of Trusted Applications (TA) and the corresponding Security Domains. It presents in particular the roles and responsibilities of the different stakeholders involved in the administration of a TEE and TA, the life cycle of administrated entities, the mechanisms involved in administration operations, and the protocols used to perform these operations.

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