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This new version of GlobalPlatform Card Specification Amendment B (RAM over HTTP) introduces support for two new features: TLS 1.3 and DNS Resolution. Usage of the TLS 1.3 protocol enhances the overall security of the Remote Administration Session, while usage of DNS Resolution allows relying on multiple Remote Administration Servers, improving success rate and performances of remote administration.


Previous Version(s)

Remote Application Management over HTTP - Amendment B v1.1.3 May 2015

This document defines a mechanism for an Application Provider to perform Remote Application Management (RAM) according to ETSI TS 102 226 (i.e. loading, installation, and personalization) using the HTTP protocol and PSK TLS security Over-The-Air. A third party communication network may be used if the Application Provider has no OTA capability. This third party shall not be able to access clear text of any confidential data and code belonging to the Application Provider.

Remote Application Management over HTTP - Amendment B v1.1.2 May 2014

Remote Application Management over HTTP - Amendment B v1.1.1 Mar 2012
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