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Archived Documents
For access to archived documents please contact the Secretariat.

This download contains all the archived documents for Device Application Security Management (DASM) Specification.

Contains “Concepts and Description Document Specification” (GPD_SPE_001), ”Provisioning Specification” (GPD_SPE_003) and “Key and Certificate Management Specification" (GPD_SP_006).

This download contains all the archived documents for STIP Specification

Contains ”STIP Core Framework Technology Technical Specification” (GPD_SPE_005), “GPD/STIP Specification Overview" (GPD_GUI_004), and supporting files

This document provides a description of the requirements for a SCMS environment, which is used to manage multiple application smart cards and related applications.

This specification provides a description of the requirements a system should use to securely manage and exchange keys. This delivers centralized key management across separate systems.

Systems Scripting Language - In conjunction with the Systems Profile Specification, this document defines an ECMA script standard to which instructions for data generation, personalization and post-issuance of secure chip-based applications can be written.

Systems Profile - In conjunction with the Systems Scripting Specification, this document specifies all the information required for the card customization process, including data preparation and personalization, based on XML file.

This document defines the interfaces of a personalization system’s application loading function.

This document includes Systems Profile Specification v1.0, Systems Scripting Language Specification v1.0 (published November 2002), Systems Card Customization Guide v1.0 (published August 2002), Errata and Precisions List v0.1 for Systems Profile Specification v1.0 (published February 2003), and the Errata and Precisions List v0.1 for Scripting Language Specification v1.0 (published February 2003).

This document has been replaced by the Device API v2.0 - published GPD/STIP Specification (also archived)

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