Security in Our Connected World – a reflection
The Seminar was best summed up during Jeremy O’Donoghue, Chair of the Trusted Platform Services Committee’s closing comments, which are summarized below. Thanks again to all supporters, attendees and sponsors!
At events such as Security in Our Connected World, everyone is looking for the holy grail - a secure system that will do everything, is easy-to-use and, ideally, free. The industry has not reached that point yet, but there is certainly interest in getting there.
What is clear is that we are gaining an increasingly mature understanding of how secure components can meet the security requirements of different use cases. We are also gaining a greater understanding of the IoT lifecycle, and the importance of certification for IoT devices – whether driven by regulation or commercial differentiation.
As new technology that TEEs and SEs can support come to the fore, one thing that remains the same is the importance of the ecosystem. With so many cloud platforms across the world, we as equipment and SoC vendors must find ways to support them all without an explosion of different proprietary software solutions.