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May 2021 Newsletter

Letter from GlobalPlatform’s Executive Director

Last month, GlobalPlatform hosted its Secure Element (SE) for IoT Workshop to educate delegates on how standardized SEs can be used to solve business, security and regulatory challenges in IoT deployments. The recorded sessions are now available for members to view here.

This month on May 27, our China Task Force (CTF) will host an IoT Security Workshop. The event will feature expert speakers on a range of IoT topics, to expand knowledge of readily available IoT solutions that can help stakeholders develop and deploy standardized technology at reduced cost and time to market. Registration is now live and you can sign up for free here.

I would also like to welcome our latest new members in Honor Device Co., Ltd which joins our organization as a Participating Member, and Telecom Technology Center (TTC), which joins as a Public Entity Member.

CTF workshop

GlobalPlatform’s China Task Force workshop is a free-to-attend hybrid event (both onsite and online). Taking place on May 27, it will explore the topic of IoT Security, focusing largely on solutions that are readily available today, to provide delegates with the tools and consultation they need to add value and impact to their own company IoT initiatives.

The agenda and registration for the workshop are now live. We look forward to welcoming delegates to an engaging half-day session.

Register now

Have your say in our membership survey

This year’s GlobalPlatform membership survey has now launched and will be available for input from members until May 21.

The survey provides us with feedback on your participation in GlobalPlatform, the value and relevance of our deliverables, the effectiveness of our communications and more. Your valued input is vital to the growth and improvement of our organization.

In appreciation for completing the survey, members will be entered into a drawing to win 1 of 4 gift cards with a value of US $50.

Complete the survey

Watch the presentations from our SE for IoT workshop

GlobalPlatform recently hosted its SE for IoT Workshop, which included live presentations and use cases from a range of industry experts, highlighting how SE technology can be leveraged to build secure devices and services while reducing costs and simplifying deployments.

We would like to thank Prime Sponsor Oracle and Supporting Sponsors STMicroelectronics and Able Device, for helping to make the workshop possible, in addition to our speakers for their valuable contributions. We would also like to thank associate partners Eurosmart, Java Card Forum and Trusted Connectivity Alliance for their support.

For those who were unable to attend the workshop live, you can now view the recorded sessions on our member website.

Watch now

Welcome to Honor Device Co and Telecom Technology Center

We are delighted to announce that Honor Device Co., Ltd and Telecom Technology Center (TTC) have joined GlobalPlatform as Participating and Public Entity Members respectively.

We look forward to working with Honor Device Co in our Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) Technical Committee, our IoTopia and Security Task Forces, as well as our China Regional Task Force. We also look forward to TTC’s involvement in our Security and IoTopia Task Forces.

See our members

Catch up on our IoT Device Secure Onboarding Solutions Workshop

The recorded presentations from our IoT Device Secure Onboarding Solutions Workshop are now available to view on our member website.

Featuring presentations and demonstrations from our Technical Director, Gil Bernabeu, as well as contributors from Cisco, EmbeDD, Fraunhofer SIT, Infineon, Intel, NIST, Sandelman Software Works and UL, the workshop offers important insights into the process of securely onboarding IoT devices using standardized technologies and frameworks.

Watch here
Technical Documents

New Document Releases

Specifications Under Review

This second version of the SESIP methodology integrates two main additions: information about composition possibilities in the core document, plus guidelines in a new annex, and introduction of the concepts of SESIP Profiles and SESIP mappings.

This document has been made available for public review. Please provide comments by Friday May 7, 2021.


This paper describes how SESIP certification can be used to support vendors integrating IoT platform components into devices to demonstrate a solution’s compliance to the ETSI EN 303 645 requirements.

This document has been made available to solicit comments from the Security Task Force of GlobalPlatform. Please provide comments by Friday May 21, 2021.


This test plan addresses testing or validation of MUD files and is comprised of three components:

  • On device proper support for a MUD file.
  • Availability and correctness of a MUD file.
  • Proper coverage of services offered by a device by the MUD file.

The MUD test plan is intended primarily for use by device manufacturers and laboratories that want to test or validate the implementation of a device.

This document has been made available for Member review. Please provide comments by Monday May 31, 2021.


The Open Firmware Loader (OFL) specification has been reviewed to create the v2.0 GlobalPlatform specification. Corrections and clarifications have been introduced, as well as changes resulting from requests and discussions with ETSI TC SCP. These include: the addition of X.509 certificates, certificate revocation and an optional separate PKI for the IDS.

This document has been made available for public review. Please provide comments by Friday June 18, 2021.

Speaking Engagements

Embedded IoT World

Last month, GlobalPlatform joined the speaker line-up at this virtual event. If you missed our presentation ‘Building IoTopia - standardizing security for IoT devices and services’ catch up on-demand via the event website.

Register to watch on-demand

Digital Summit

Join Technical Director, Gil Bernabeu, on May 12 at 15:00 CEST / 06:00 PST to learn how MUD Files can be used to simplify network access for manufacturers of constrained IoT devices.

Learn more and register

What is the status of the MCU market for the IoT?

Gil Bernabeu explains the opportunities and challenges facing the microcontroller (MCU) market, how certification can be an enabler for developers, and GlobalPlatform’s latest MCU initiatives

Watch the video here
Membership Offers

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