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GlobalPlatform News – Annual Report, TEEs and Automotive

Letter from GlobalPlatform’s Executive Director

This month we have published our 2023 annual report in which we explore GlobalPlatform’s accomplishments, new initiatives and coming priorities. Key among these is the creation of two new Task Forces – Automotive and eID Wallet – which are bringing together their respective ecosystems to drive collaboration and impactful results.

Accompanying the annual report is your GlobalPlatform membership renewal invoice for our fiscal year 2024, which commences on October 01, 2023. If you have any questions while processing this payment, please contact

We have an exciting program of events coming up in the next few months. Registrations are now open for our Tokyo Cybersecurity Vehicle Forum, taking place September 14. Following that, we will be in Singapore on October 19th to meet with the Cybersecurity Singapore Agency and are inviting our members to join us (more details below). We are also very excited to announce that we will be in China during the week of 23rd October to host a special meeting of our China Task Force and a Cybersecurity Vehicle Forum. Finally, save the date for our annual Fall Meetings from November 6-10 in Athens, Greece. Stay tuned for more details!

In his final contribution to our organization before his retirement, long time GlobalPlatform contributor and Chair of the TEE Specification Working Group, Don Felton, has recorded a video in which he explores the origins of TEEs, its evolution through the years, and the work GlobalPlatform is doing to drive it forward. Many thanks for all your work throughout the years, Don, and we wish you all the best with your retirement!

Don’s retirement means that we are now accepting applications for a new Chair of the TEE Specification Working Group. Contact us to register your interest:

Finally, we are pleased to welcome Quarkslab to GlobalPlatform as a Participating Member. Quarkslab combines offensive and defensive security in application protection, helping companies and governmental organizations adopt a new security posture: forcing attackers, not defenders, to constantly adapt.

Annual Report 2023: Download Now! 

Over the past 12 months, GlobalPlatform has continued to deliver the technical expertise and critical support required to inspire confidence in secure technologies and certifications.

Looking ahead, GlobalPlatform remains committed to driving new initiatives that increase trust and security in devices, enabling stakeholders to efficiently – and effectively – deliver innovative digital services.

Download our annual report to learn about:

  • GlobalPlatform’s new eID Wallet Task Force and its work build to foster trust in digital identity.
  • The launch of the GlobalPlatform Cybersecurity Vehicle Forum, driving engagement from security experts across the full automotive value chain and adjacent digital services.
  • The launch of the GP Women Initiative; a group committed to championing women in the cybersecurity ecosystem.
  • How GlobalPlatform continues to evolve the Security Evaluation Standard for IoT Platforms (SESIP) methodology to map with additional regulations and standards requirements, and address new markets such as healthcare.
  • New GlobalPlatform specifications covering SESIP governance, cryptography recommendations for TEE internal mechanisms and Root of Trust definitions and requirements.
Download now

Automotive Initiative Updates

We are gearing up to host the next Cybersecurity Vehicle Forum in Tokyo on September 14th. The event will include discussion of automotive use cases for GP technology, AUTOSAR’s Crypto API and automotive requirements for the Japanese market. There are in-person and virtual participation opportunities, and simultaneous interpretation will be available. On September 25th, we will host a virtual update to discuss MARS and TPS as well as the agenda topics for upcoming Cybersecurity Vehicle Forum events and the focus areas for 2024. Explore upcoming events here.

Additionally, GlobalPlatform will be represented at the FISITA World Congress by Andrew Till of Trustonic to present Cybersecurity standard alignment with SAE on hardware protected security environments. The session will take place on September 13th at 8am in Barcelona, Spain. In October, GlobalPlatform will be participating in the AUTOSAR Security Working Group (WG-SEC) meeting in Berlin to explore opportunities for technical cooperation.

As always, we welcome your participation in the automotive task force and ask for your input into defining the automotive initiative priorities for 2024.

Contact us to get involved

VIDEO: Trusted Execution Environment; Past and Future 

The Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) is a secure area in a device that ensures sensitive data is stored, processed and protected in an isolated and trusted environment. As such, it offers protection against attacks generated in the rest of the device and even other actors inside the TEE.

In this video, Don Felton - Principal Security Architect at Trustonic and Chair of the GlobalPlatform TEE Specification Working Group – explores the origins of TEEs, its evolution through the years and the work that GlobalPlatform is doing to continue driving it forward.

Watch now

Invitation to Present Your SESIP Initiatives to the Cybersecurity Singapore Agency

GlobalPlatform will meet with the Cybersecurity Singapore Agency (CSA) at this year’s Singapore International Cyber Week, to discuss how SESIP can meet the evaluation needs of its Cybersecurity Labelling Scheme (CLS) scheme for consumer smart devices. The scheme is part of Singapore’s efforts to improve IoT security, raise overall cyber hygiene levels and better secure Singapore's cyberspace.

The goal of the meeting is to help Singapore become the first national authority to issue SESIP certificates - but we need your help.

We are calling on members to join us in Singapore to present their SESIP initiatives, and help us expand the reach of the methodology for the benefit of the entire device security ecosystem.

Contact us to get involved

eID Wallet White Paper

The European Union Digital Identity (EUDI) Wallet is a new digital identity solution on mobile devices that will provide a secure and convenient way for citizens to prove and share identity information throughout Europe.

GlobalPlatform’s EUDI Wallet white paper explores the impact this initiative will have on a wide range of online services, offline services, and transactions across the European Union. The paper goes on to discuss the importance of thorough, reliable testing to enrich the interoperability and security of the solution.

Download now
Technical Documents

New Document Releases

Specifications Under Review

This new version of the specification adds support for the X.509 certificate format, extends the support of authorization (tag ‘BF20’) mechanisms for SCP11a, and specifies the SCP11 “i” option as encoded on 1 or 2 bytes.

This has been made available for public review. Please provide your comments by completing the comment form by September 29, 2023 or emailing

Read more
Speaking Engagements

GlobalPlatform to speak at Identity Week USA

GlobalPlatform Executive Director Ana Tavares Lattibeaudiere will be in Washinton DC for this year’s Identity Week USA. Join us on October 3 for a panel session exploring the impact and opportunities of digital identity wallets.

Find out more

Hear our presentation at ETSI Security Conference

Join us for this year’s ETSI Security Conference, taking place from October 16-19. Technical Director, Gil Bernabeu will be on site in Sophia Antipolis, France to deliver his presentation “How EN 17927 (SESIP) simplifies the certification reuse within the IoT market in Europe and in the world”.

Register to attend

Join GlobalPlatform at the 9th ENISA Trust Services and eID Forum

GlobalPlatform is attending this year’s ENISA Trust Services and eID Forum, taking place October 11-12. Jean Daniel Aussel will be on site in Vienna to deliver his presentation “GlobalPlatform Standards for Digital Identity: Addressing Trust and Security Requirements for the EUDI Wallet”

Register to attend
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