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Riscure Joins GlobalPlatform as New Member

May 4 2010 – GlobalPlatform welcomes Riscure, a leading independent security test laboratory specializing in mobile and payment security, as it latest member.  The decision to join demonstrates Riscure's commitment to contribute to the development of a secure and standardized infrastructure which supports the progressive requirements of the mobile payments landscape.

Riscure, a company which has combined its experience in smart card and embedded device security testing, to support manufacturers, mobile network operators and financial institutions in the mobile payment industry, joins the international specification body for smart card infrastructure as a Participating Member. The test laboratory will actively participate in task forces and the Card Committee, where the organization is working on an enhanced compliance program which aims to create an open compliance ecosystem by developing security certification models and testing tools.

Marc Witteman, CTO of Riscure, comments: "Mobile and payment security is the core of our business, and we have become globally recognized for our security expertise regarding Java Card™ and GlobalPlatform technology.   GlobalPlatform has taken the initiative to propose an architecture that will enable mobile payment to emerge in a sound and cost-effective fashion, a drive that we fully support. As a member of the association we look forward to playing a part in this effort and making mobile payment solutions secure and trustworthy by offering the required test methodology and tools."

Kevin Gillick, Executive Director of GlobalPlatform, adds: "GlobalPlatform is delighted that Riscure has decided to join the association.  The move clearly demonstrates the company's dedication to achieve long-term market interoperability for mobile payments in a secure manner. We look forward to benefitting from the expertise Riscure will bring to our discussions, specifications and compliance activity."

Further membership benefits for Riscure include: the ability to participate in GlobalPlatform's Advisory Council, which provides direct access for members to the GlobalPlatform Executive Director and Board of Directors; all-member meeting attendance; and voting privileges.


For further media information, please contact Georgina D'Arcy or Jonathan Lloyd at iseepr: / or on + (0) 1943 468007

Notes to Editors

About GlobalPlatform -

GlobalPlatform is the global leader in smart card infrastructure development and its proven, technical specifications for cards, devices and systems are known as the industry standard. GlobalPlatform is a member driven association with cross-industry representation from all world continents.
About Riscure -

Riscure is an independent security test laboratory founded in 2001 with customers in North America, Europe and Asia. Riscure specializes in reviewing, testing and certifying the security of smart card products and embedded devices for the mobile, payment and payTV industry. Besides offering security evaluation services, Riscure develops and maintains  security test tools for organizations that wish to perform their own testing. This includes side channel analysis, fault injection analysis and security testing of Java Card, Global Platform and SIM technology.

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