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GlobalPlatform Cards exceed 100M

19 September 2006 - According to figures from industry association Eurosmart*, GlobalPlatform, the world leader in smart card infrastructure development and deployment, is succeeding in its mission to accelerate the rate of global adoption of interoperable smart card standards.

By the end of 2006 it is estimated that over 100 million GlobalPlatform cards will have been deployed worldwide. Also, by the end of 2006, the number of GSM cards using GlobalPlatform technology for Over-the-Air downloads will have exceeded 1 billion globally.

There are now more than 40 widely publicized implementations of GlobalPlatform technology. At present, GlobalPlatform technology is utilized in Asia, Australia, Europe and the Americas across finance, ID/security, government, mobile telecom, and healthcare markets. Current implementations range from eID and ePassport programs to enhanced credit and debit cardholder loyalty programs, all of which offer post-issuance download capabilities.

There’s a compelling business case for adopting and implementing GlobalPlatform technology. GlobalPlatform Specifications offer an interoperable, flexible, backwards-compatible and secure platform for development of cards, devices, and systems, allowing adopters the opportunity to source interoperable components from several suppliers for their single or multiple-application smart card model. By providing these specifications on a royalty-free basis (available for free download at, GlobalPlatform has greatly simplified world-wide access to its standards and further encouraged end-users and the vendor community to adopt a universal approach to the development of smart card infrastructures.

“These landmark figures from Eurosmart are a clear indication that our aim to drive adoption of a standardized smart card environment is taking root,” comments GlobalPlatform’s Executive Director, Kevin Gillick, “Driven by the need for strong security, enriched applications and services, as well as the need to remain competitive, these statistics confirm that the industry is accelerating towards a standardized and interoperable smart card infrastructure.”


* Eurosmart: Smart Card Shipment 2005 – Forecast 2006, 20 April 2006

For further media information please call Phil Davidson or Ayse Korgav in the GlobalPlatform Secretariat on +1 650 432 2991 or email

Notes to Editors:

About GlobalPlatform:

Driven by 50 cross-industry member organizations, GlobalPlatform is the leading, international association, focused on establishing and maintaining interoperable specifications for single and multi-application smart cards, acceptance devices and systems infrastructure that deliver benefits to Issuers, service providers and technology suppliers.

These specifications are known as the standard for smart card infrastructure, thanks to their balance of technical superiority and business justification.

GlobalPlatform specifications are available royalty-free and have been adopted in Europe, North America, Asia and Australia by many public and private bodies. Currently, there are over 40 GlobalPlatform-based smart card implementations world-wide, with smart cards and systems infrastructure deployments across industries touching over 1 billion cardholders globally.

GlobalPlatform is an independent, not-for-profit organization and its strategy is defined and prioritized by a Board of Directors. GlobalPlatform is currently chaired by Robert E. Beer, Vice President Business Development, Datacard Group, and vice-chaired by Marc Kekicheff, Vice President Product Technology, Visa International.

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