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GlobalPlatform Announces Board of Directors For FY 2007-2008

27 November, 2007 – GlobalPlatform, the international smart card specification organization , has announced its Board of Directors for FY 2007-2008, following annual elections for six of the eleven Board seats. Individual members chosen to serve as Board Officers for the next twelve months have also been announced.

Bob Beer , Vice President of Business Development at Datacard Group retains his position as Chairman of the organization for the fourth consecutive year. Mr Beer will be supported by Marc Kekicheff, Vice-President of Product Technologies at Visa Inc., who will be GlobalPlatform’s Vice Chair for a third term. Yves Moulart, Director of Cards, Technology and Architecture (Proton Technologies Division) for STMicroelectronics has been chosen to serve his first term as GlobalPlatform’s Secretary.

Five Board seats were open to nominations from Full Members of GlobalPlatform to serve a two year term. In addition to Mr. Beer and Mr. Moulart, the individuals elected to fill these seats are:

  • Marc Birkner, Director of Business Development - Gemalto
  • Dr. Toni Merschen, Group Head, Chip - MasterCard Worldwide
  • Sebastian Hans, Senior Standardization Manager - Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Additionally, Carmen Carnero Silvo, Deputy General Manager at SERMEPA was re-elected to the Board for a one year term.

One of the first duties of the new Board of Directors was to reappoint GlobalPlatform’s Technical and Strategic Directors. Gil Bernabeu, Technical Advisor for the Standardization and Technology Department at Gemalto will continue to serve as Technical Director for a further two years. David Asay, Senior Location Executive, IBM Global Business Services and Shoji Taniguchi, Chief Marketing Specialist at Toshiba Corporation both retain their positions as Strategic Directors. Mr. Asay will continue to create and execute strategies for engaging systems integrators within GlobalPlatform, and Mr. Taniguchi will maintain his responsibility for positioning GlobalPlatform in key Japanese and Asian government initiatives.

Bob Beer comments: “I feel privileged to have been re-elected as Chairman of GlobalPlatform, and I would like to extend a warm welcome to all new and returning Board members, the Strategic Directors and the Technical Director and thank them for their continued commitment to our organization. It is with their dedication and hard work that we continue to drive forward the adoption of GlobalPlatform’s Specifications and move towards industry standardization across the entire smart card infrastructure.

“GlobalPlatform has made many technical and marketing advances over the past twelve months. Some of the highlights include contributing technology to the ISO 7816-13 standard, being named as a finalist in the innovation category of Card Technology’s Breakthrough Awards for Card Specification v2.2, the progress made by the Mobile and Government Task Forces, ongoing collaboration with other industry and technical associations, and the continued growth of our membership. I look forward to building on the momentum gained throughout 2007 so that we can celebrate an equally impressive list of achievements at the end of next year.”


 For further media information, please contact Lee’ann Kaufman or Sarah Jones at iseepr: /
or on +44 (0) 113 274 5252

The GlobalPlatform Board of Directors, in its entirety, consists of the following GlobalPlatform Members:

  • Dominic Fedronic, Chief Technology Officer - ActivIdentity
  • Bob Beer , Vice President of Business Development – Datacard Group
  • Marc Birkner, Director of Business Development - Gemalto
  • Andreas Strobel , Director Product Management - Division Payment, Center Products and Solutions - Giesecke & Devrient
  • Toshiaki Kuzuki, Manager, Advanced Technologies - JCB Co. Ltd
  • Dr. Toni Merschen, Group Head, Chip - MasterCard Worldwide
  • Eikazu Niwano, Senior Research Engineer, Service Integration Laboratories - NTT Corporation
  • Carmen Carnero-Silvo, Deputy General Manager - SERMEPA
  • Yves Moulart, Director of Cards, Technology and Architecture - STMicroelectronics
  • Sebastian Hans, Senior Standardization Manager - Sun Microsystems
  • Marc Kekicheff, Vice-President of Product Technologies - Visa Inc.

About GlobalPlatform

GlobalPlatform is the global leader in smart card infrastructure development and its proven, technical specifications for cards, devices and systems are known as the standard for smart card infrastructure. GlobalPlatform is a member driven association with cross-industry representation from all world continents. For more information about GlobalPlatform, visit:

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