GlobalPlatform July Newsletter – SESIP, Task Force Updates & OSIA Qualification Programme
Letter from GlobalPlatform’s Executive Director
GlobalPlatform is dedicated to the advancement of standardized secure services, certifications and solutions. We are pleased to now be supporting a new qualification program launched by the Secure Identity Alliance (SIA), which aims to enhance the interoperability and development of trusted digital ID solutions. You can read more on this below.
Elsewhere, as part of its mission to drive recognition of the Security Evaluation for IoT Standard (SESIP) methodology, the SESIP sub-task force has published a new whitepaper explaining how the methodology benefits different IoT stakeholders.
I’d also like to invite all members to join our new SBOM Sub-Task Force, which will provide clarity on the deployment requirements of the Software Bill of Materials (SBOM). You can visit the GlobalPlatform website for an update on our task force and committee roadmaps.
Last month we held our first full members’ Standards Executives Roundtable in advance of our Technical Roadmap meetings. The feedback was discussed, and we are now in the process of creating two new task forces which you can read more on below.
Looking ahead, we are now planning a number of new GlobalPlatform events including a virtual China Task Force meeting on July 28. The objective of the meeting is to present the current GlobalPlatform roadmap, discuss regional priorities and define the task force next steps. All members are welcome to attend, and we will share details on how to register shortly.
We are also hosting another SESIP workshop. Following the success of our Austin event, we invite you to join us in Barcelona on October 19 to explore SESIP from the vantage point of European markets. The workshop will follow a 2-day technical workshop of our SESIP group (17 /18th October). More details to follow soon.
Finally, thank you to all those who attended our Technical Meetings in Cork this month and please save the date for the GlobalPlatform Fall Meetings taking place November 7-10 in Lisbon.