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GlobalPlatform trains and supports laboratories to offer accredited functional and security testing services that promote trust and security for devices and digital services.
实验室可以与 GlobalPlatform 合作,提供最新的安全和产品评估,展示专业知识并面向潜在客户提供差异化服务,以产生新的收入来源。
通过 GlobalPlatform 的独立功能性和安全性计划,实验室可以操作和管理验证产品符合 GlobalPlatform 规范、市场特定配置和安全级别的计划。
By becoming accredited in line with GlobalPlatform Specifications, functional and security test laboratories can deliver essential, independent validation services to manufacturers and OEMs in multiple markets, generating new revenue. These certification services help promote open and collaborative ecosystems where devices and digital services can be trusted and securely managed throughout their lifecycle.
Laboratories can use GlobalPlatform’s Secure Element (SE) and Trusted Execution Enviroment (TEE) Specifications to clarify the required security levels to protect against attacks, and its protection profiles to carry out evaluations that maximize the value of their services to device makers and digital service providers.
GlobalPlatform’s industry-recognized accreditation schemes are developed in collaboration with global and regional partners, and referenced by EMVCo, FIDO, GSMA and other industry bodies around the world. By becoming GlobalPlatform-certified, functional and security test laboratories can deliver essential, independent validation services to silicon vendors, device makers, and developers across markets.
GlobalPlatform is also creating new opportunities for laboratories. The organization is using its extensive experience in establishing and managing certification bodies and schemes to support the adoption of the Security Evaluation Standard for IoT Platforms (SESIP) Methodology, a flexible and efficient security evaluation methodology dedicated to addressing the complexity of the IoT ecosystem. GlobalPlatform is creating new busines opportunities and providing laboratories with the guidance and documentation they need to provide an efficient and swift solution for IoT device certification.
GlobalPlatform provides a forum to engage on the latest threats and innovations to ensure testing and evaluation services that meet new and evolving requirements.
Laboratories, certification bodies and testing tool service providers from across the world partner with GlobalPlatform to share expertise and to align respective standardization and certification initiatives to support market adoption.
Laboratories can join relevant groups to contribute their implementation knowledge to developing and enhancing GlobalPlatform’s certification programs, specifications, evaluation methodologies and testing tools.
Video: How does SESIP provide a standardized methodology for IoT security implementation?
观看此视频,了解 SESIP 如何为物联网生态系统提供可扩展的标准化方法论,以确保互联产品可应对快速扩大范围的物联网带来的特定合规性、安全性、隐私和可扩展性挑战。
Blog: Lower the cost of IoT platform security certification
物联网产品远比传统安全评估方法所应对的产品复杂得多。 SESIP 借助通用的安全评估方法论认识到这一问题,该方法论专为这些产品所基于的物联网平台和平台部件而设计。 我们的博客讨论了复合安全评估和 GlobalPlatform 的 SESIP 路线图的优点。