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中国任务小组由来自中国信息通信技术研究院 (CAICT) 的 Vicky Guo 担任主席。 所有 GlobalPlatform 成员均有资格参加此小组。

该任务小组为有兴趣在中国从事商业的 GlobalPlatform 成员提供了一个专门的平台,以确认该地区的要求并达成一致意见。 该小组还直接与中国工业和标准化协会展开合作。



  • 引起社会对所有 GlobalPlatform 技术的关注,以及在中国的不同行业内进行推广。
  • 确定该地区各个部门的利益相关方和组织并建立联系。
  • 使 GlobalPlatform 技术与中国境内的具体要求保持一致,特别是与 TEE 路线图和规范工作组保持关联性(但并非仅与此相关)。
  • 扩大 GlobalPlatform 技术的采纳范围和中国的认证制度
  • 协调功能和安全评估要求,并为 GlobalPlatform 委员会提供涉及规范、合规性和认证计划的意见。
  • 确定中国市场上相关的中国特殊合规和认证计划。
  • 在中国发展 GlobalPlatform 成员基础。


  • 物联网安全标准化、认证、要求和用例。
  • 开发除面向 TEE 和 eSE 的付款用例之外的区域用例。
  • 与 ChinaDRM 论坛和 GSMA 建立联系。
  • 建立区域特定的教育和营销材料。






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Vicky Guo

Chair of the China Task Force

China Academy of Information and Communication Technology (CAICT)

Ms. Guo has 11 years of experience in mobile security and her work at CAICT focuses on research within TEE architecture and technology. Her main responsibilities include managing and drafting standards for the mobile terminal TEE and bring your own device (BYOD) for the China Communications Standards Association (CCSA). She also represents CAICT within GlobalPlatform.

In 2015, Ms. Guo played a key role in CAICT becoming a GlobalPlatform qualified laboratory. She has also organized multiple TEE technology workshops and relevant discussions around the topic.

Ms. Guo was elected as Chair of the China Task Force in 2016.

Victor An

Co-Vice-Chair of the China Task Force


Mr. An is Co-Founder and Marketing Director at DPLS Labs. He has extensive security evaluation experience and has worked as a Project Manager for companies including Apple, Samsung and China Eastern Airlines. Mr. An was also Project Manager for GlobalPlatform’s TEE Security Evaluation Project.

Mr. An was elected as Co-Vice-Chair of the China Task Force in 2016.

Xinmiao Chang

Chair of the China Task Force


Ms. Chang joined Huawei in 2008 and serves as a Senior Engineer in the Standardization and Innovation Department. She is responsible for leading mobile payment and related security platform projects.

Ms. Chang was elected to serve as Chair of the China Task Force in 2022.

Michael Lu

Co-Vice-Chair of the China Task Force


Mr. Lu is Business Development Director at Trustonic, the leading provider of TEE solutions. He is responsible for the Greater China Region for Trustonic and previously Chaired the Premium Content Task Force at GlobalPlatform. He has over 15 years of experience in the media and technology industries. Before joining Trustonic, he worked at ARM Ltd. where he was responsible for product marketing of ARM's security architecture platform and products based on ARM TrustZone technologies. His previous roles include a position with Freesat, a BBC/ITV satellite broadcasting platform in the UK, where he was responsible for UK digital TV standards and certification regime for UK retail TV and STB products. He is Vice Chair of the China Task Force.

Mr. Lu is Co-Vice-Chair of the China Task Force.

Fang Qiang

Co-Vice-Chair of the China Task Force


Mr. Qiang currently works within the Standardization and Research team at Alibaba. He has over five years’ experience in the field of information security, and has participated on behalf of Alibaba in the development of domestic and international industry standards in collaboration with organizations such as ITU, GlobalPlatform and CCSA.

Mr. Qiang is particularly interested in standardization and security research, and is dedicated to promoting the standardization of operating system technology.

Mr. Qiang was elected as Co-Vice-Chair of the China Task Force in 2016.

Wei Hang

Co-Vice Chair of the China Task Force



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