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SE 委员会由来自 G+D Mobile Security 的 Karl Eglof Hartel 担任主席。 所有加入 GlobalPlatform 的成员均有资格为此小组做出贡献。

SE委员会为涉及安全元件 (SE) 技术的多个嵌入式应用的安全和可互操作部署与管理定义了行业和技术中立规范。 这包括嵌入式和整合式 SE、SIM/UICC、智能 microSD 以及智能卡。


SE 委员会致力于:

  • 制定、维护和发展 SE 及相关支持文档和工具(基于 GlobalPlatform SE 规范)。
  • 推荐安全评估流程和功能,以确保 GlobalPlatform 技术提供最高级别的安全性。
  • 推进 GlobalPlatform 认证计划,以促进和确保市场内的互操作性。
  • 与其他相关行业和标准化团体合作,确定新的技术要求和商机,以推进联合工作倡议。


  • 规范
    • 为与 ICA 密切配合的物联网设备制定替代 SE 接口规范。
    • 更新的代理接口,让其他应用程序可以使用用户身份验证。
  • 配置
    • 支持隐私框架的更新财务配置。
    • 为身份验证设备制定 SE 配置。
  • 虚拟主要平台 (VPP)
    • 制定有关 VPP 固件开通制造的技术说明。
  • 安全性
    • 对所有卡片规范进行安全审查,使“加密灵活性”能够提供更出色的灵活性以满足本地要求。
    • 持续开发 SE 保护框架。

隐私框架和增强隐私 ID 配置

该技术可帮助政府和身份发行方为基于智能卡的数字身份计划(如电子护照、驾驶执照和 eID 文档)提供最先进的隐私和安全保护。 它汇集了一系列已部署的标准,使项目经理能够全面应对最新的隐私要求。



该规范标准化了安全元件 (SE) 固件 - 结合安全操作系统 (OS) 应用和数据 - 如何在设备发布后即可远程加载到 SE 上并进行管理。


设备附带 NFC 服务管理规范

GlobalPlatform 管理实体规范完善了来自 ETSI 和 NFC 论坛的补充软件标准的“栈”,该栈确保多个移动非接触式服务在设备内成功共存,并且无论服务提供商选择的托管环境如何,这些服务都将按预期运行。


Gil Bernabeu

Chief Technology Officer

GlobalPlatform / Thales

In his role as Chief Technology Officer, Gil is responsible for defining and implementing the technical roadmap for the organization and provides counsel and guidance to the GlobalPlatform Board. He drives forward the development of GlobalPlatform’s specifications and certifications to allow markets and geographies to deploy and manage secure, value-added services. Gil also acts as GlobalPlatform’s central technical liaison point, coordinating the efforts of the technical committees, market task forces and liaisons with industry partners.

In his role at Thales, Gil supports the evolution of the Digital Identity and Security roadmap by enabling open innovation and securing participation in funded innovation projects.

Guillaume Phan

SE Committee Chair


Guillaume currently serves as Design Authority for the Mobile Connectivity Solutions GBU in Thales and contributes in this role to innovation, strategy and roadmaps. He’s been involved in GlobalPlatform activities since 2007.

Open Seats

This position is currently open

Olivier Van Nieuwenhuyze

GlobalPlatform Vice Chair
Security Task Force Chair


Olivier currently serves as Senior R&D Engineer at STMicroelectronics. Within this role he has software architecture responsibilities for the NFC ecosystem and secure elements.

He joined STMicroelectronics in 2003 and since 1999 Olivier has been active in several smart card projects for banking, transport and near field communication.

Olivier joined the GlobalPlatform Board of Directors in 2017 and was appointed as GlobalPlatform Secretary / Treasurer from 2021 – 2022. He now serves as GlobalPlatform’s Vice Chair and Security Task Force Chair.

James MacFarlane

Senior Security and Certifications Engineer

NXP Semiconductors

Mr MacFarlane has served as Co-Chair of the SE Security Working group since Q1 2019. Mr MacFarlane has held the role of Senior Security and Certifications Engineer at NXP Semiconductors since 2015. He has worked in a security evaluation role since 2004, with experience in both hardware and software security.

Daniela Terracciano

Common Criteria evaluation, Java Card and GlobalPlatform Development Engineer


Ms Terracciano has served as Co-Chair of the SE Security Working group since Q1 2019. She has held the role of Common Criteria evaluation, Java Card and GlobalPlatform Development Engineer at STMicroelectronics since 2003.

Stephane Schirar


Mr. Schirar has been participating since 2016 in the GlobalPlatform activities by introducing OFL and VPP technologies. Mr Schirar also represents Gemalto in the European Telecommunications Standards Institute’s (ETSI) Smart Secure Platform (SSP) Technical Working Group and in the SIMalliance PBL Working Group and promote, there, the GlobalPlatform technology. Mr. Schirar joined Gemalto in 1997 and since then has been involved in major projects in the Telecommunications field.

Karl Eglof Hartel

Director for Standards and Innovation

G+D Mobile Security

Mr. Hartel has been an active participant in GlobalPlatform activities for many years, and was elected to serve as SE Committee Chair in 2009. Mr. Hartel also represents Giesecke & Devrient in the European Telecommunications Standards Institute's (ETSI) Smart Card Platform Technical Working Group and in GSMA Projects. He also works to promote GlobalPlatform technology within ETSI and GSMA specifications.

Patrice Amiel

Trusted Service Manager Working Group Chair


Mr. AMIEL has chaired GlobalPlatform’s Trusted Service Manager Working Group since 2007. During this time the group has published several specifications related to "system to system" dialogue, including:

  • Messaging specification for mobile-NFC service management
  • Web Service Profile for GlobalPlatform messaging
  • System Protocol Discovery Mechanism

He is also Principle and Chief Software Architect at Thales, where he specializes in Software Architecture, Distributed Processing and Micro-service architectures.

Sebastian Kuras

SE Compliance Working Group Co-Chair


Sébastien has taken the role of SE Compliance Working Group Chair as part of his role in the GlobalPlatform Certification body. He has been involved in GlobalPlatform activities since 2014, contributing to the definition of the Compliance Test Suites. Sébastien is a Consultant at Mellonne.

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