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GlobalPlatform for Laboratories

GlobalPlatform trains and supports laboratories to offer accredited functional and security testing services that promote trust and security for devices and digital services.

ラボラボは GlobalPlatform と連携して、最新のセキュリティと製品の評価を提供し、専門知識を実証し、潜在的な顧客とのサービスを差別化して、新しい収益を生み出すことができます。

GlobalPlatform の独立した機能およびセキュリティプログラムにより、ラボラトリーは、製品が GlobalPlatform仕様、市場固有の構成およびセキュリティレベルに準拠していることを検証するスキームを運用、管理することができます。

What Does GlobalPlatform Offer Laboratories?

By becoming accredited in line with GlobalPlatform Specifications, functional and security test laboratories can deliver essential, independent validation services to manufacturers and OEMs in multiple markets, generating new revenue. These certification services help promote open and collaborative ecosystems where devices and digital services can be trusted and securely managed throughout their lifecycle.

Laboratories can use GlobalPlatform’s Secure Element (SE) and Trusted Execution Enviroment (TEE) Specifications to clarify the required security levels to protect against attacks, and its protection profiles to carry out evaluations that maximize the value of their services to device makers and digital service providers.

GlobalPlatform’s industry-recognized accreditation schemes are developed in collaboration with global and regional partners, and referenced by EMVCo, FIDO, GSMA and other industry bodies around the world. By becoming GlobalPlatform-certified, functional and security test laboratories can deliver essential, independent validation services to silicon vendors, device makers, and developers across markets.

GlobalPlatform is also creating new opportunities for laboratories. The organization is using its extensive experience in establishing and managing certification bodies and schemes to support the adoption of the Security Evaluation Standard for IoT Platforms (SESIP) Methodology, a flexible and efficient security evaluation methodology dedicated to addressing the complexity of the IoT ecosystem. GlobalPlatform is creating new busines opportunities and providing laboratories with the guidance and documentation they need to provide an efficient and swift solution for IoT device certification.

GlobalPlatform provides a forum to engage on the latest threats and innovations to ensure testing and evaluation services that meet new and evolving requirements.

Laboratories, certification bodies and testing tool service providers from across the world partner with GlobalPlatform to share expertise and to align respective standardization and certification initiatives to support market adoption.

Laboratories can join relevant groups to contribute their implementation knowledge to developing and enhancing GlobalPlatform’s certification programs, specifications, evaluation methodologies and testing tools.

Latest Resources for Laboratories

Video: How does SESIP provide a standardized methodology for IoT security implementation?

この動画では、コネクテッド製品が急速に拡大する IoT の世界が提示するコンプライアンス、セキュリティ、プライバシーおよび拡張性に関する特定課題に、確実に対応するための拡張的で標準化された方法論をどのように提供するかを探ります。

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Blog: Lower the cost of IoT platform security certification

IoT 製品は、従来のセキュリティ評価アプローチで対応できる製品よりもはるかに複雑です。 SESIP はこの点を踏まえ、IoT プラットフォームやこれらの製品のベースとなるプラットフォーム部品に特化して設計された共通のセキュリティ評価方法を採用しています。 私たちのブログでは、複合セキュリティ評価と GlobalPlatform の SESIP ロードマップの利点について説明しています。

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