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TEE 委員會(前稱「裝置委員會」)

可信執行環境 (TEE)委員會由 Trustonic 的 Richard Hayton 擔任主席。 所有加入 GlobalPlatform 的成員均有資格為此小組做出貢獻。

TEE 委員會為使用 TEE 的消費者和連線裝置定義了一種開放式安全架構,從而保護這些裝置,並支援由多個服務提供者開發和部署安全服務。


TEE 委員會致力於:

  • 管理、制定、維護和發展 TEE 的規範並確定優先事項,包括與以下方面相關的規範:
    • 用於與 TEE 通訊的 API。
    • 用於開發受信應用 (TA) 的 API,這些應用在 TEE 內運行並支援與安全週邊裝置(如受信使用者介面、生物識別週邊裝置和安全元件 (SE))的互動。
    • TEE 管理框架 (TMF)。
    • 用於服務特定裝置類別的組態。
  • 推進並維護 GlobalPlatform TEE 功能性安全性認證計畫,以促進在不同 TEE 實作上部署的 TA 的可攜性和互通性,同時實作標準化的安全評估。
  • 與執行類似/補充活動的相關外部組織聯絡、協作和/或協調活動。


  • 更新 TEE 保護框架,以滿足不同市場的安全要求;生產生物識別、安全媒體路徑和 TUI 模組。
  • 制定適用於 TEE 管理框架 (TMF) 的 OTrP 組態。
  • 發展 TEE 內部核心 API,以新增加密演算法並整合新的要求。
  • 開發 TA 可攜性建置系統。

GlobalPlatform TEE 管理框架

該文件定義了標準方法,以便在 TEE 處於活動狀態時管理其生命週期。 為了支援當今數位世界中的各種 TEE 使用方式,該文件支援許多部署模型,包括:一個或多個參與者;連線或未連線的裝置;一對一或一對多裝置,以及對稱和非對稱加密。


GlobalPlatform TEE 保護框架

該文件在受信計算類別下通過了共同標準認證,其中規定了 TEE 硬體和軟體需要經受的典型威脅。 其中還詳細說明了為應對這些威脅而需要滿足的安全目標以及 TEE 必須遵守的安全功能要求。

下載 TEE 保護框架

TEE 合規產品

GlobalPlatform 已開發出開放且經過全面評估的 TEE 生態系統,其中包含經認可的實驗室和認證產品。

藉助由 TEE 安全評估秘書處管理的 GlobalPlatform TEE 認證計畫,廠商能夠透過獨立安全評估確認其 TEE 產品與組織的 TEE 保護框架的一致性。


Richard Hayton

TES Committee Chair
Automotive Task Force Chair


Richard is on the Board of Directors, and is also the Chair of the TES Committee and Automotive Task Force at GlobalPlatform where he contributes to the organization’s technical initiatives bringing over 30 years of experience in the cybersecurity industry. Richard is a regular speaker and influencer in the cybersecurity arena.

At Trustonic, Richard’s focus has been on enabling the telecoms industry – manufacturers and mobile operators, the automotive industry as well as application developers, to all benefit from embedded security and strong device identity. Prior to Trustonic, Richard held various roles at Citrix including Chief Architect, Distinguished Engineer and Chief Technology Officer. During 20 years at Citrix, he led projects ranging from embedded software to global enterprise systems, with a focus on user and developer experience.

He holds a PhD in Computer Science from Cambridge University, focusing on identity federation for users, devices and services.

Stéphanie El Rhomri

GlobalPlatform Chair


Stéphanie El Rhomri is Vice-President Europe Africa at Fime, responsible of defining and implementing Fime’s strategy and growth in the region.

Stéphanie brings a wealth of industry experience, particularly in the payment sector to which she has contributed for 15 years. Until last year she lead the delivery of testing services across 10 accredited laboratories around the world. In Fime she drove multiple transformational initiatives, such as financial and operational IS improvement, restructuring plan to increase the profitability, expanding Fime’s portfolio with biometrics and digital currency.

Stéphanie is a subject matter expert in testing and certification, and she actively contributed to industry standards and certification schemes. She has served on the GlobalPlatform Board since 2015 and was appointed Chair in 2021. Stéphanie holds a Master’s Degree in electronics and computer sciences from ENSEIRB engineering school Bordeaux and an advanced certificate in corporate governance from ESSEC Business School Paris.

Christian Damour

Head of Marketing - Security


Mr. Damour attends and contributes to GlobalPlatform’s Card Security and Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) Security Working Groups and has also been appointed as TEE Attack Experts Working Group Chair.

Following 13 years as a certification leader within a licensed information technology security evaluation facility (ITSEF), Christian joined FIME in 2011 to develop and manage the company’s security offering. He has extensive experience with a variety of certification schemes including Common Criteria product and system security.

Don Felton

Principal Security Architect


Mr. Felton has served as Chair of GlobalPlatform’s TEE Specification Working Group, part of the TEE Committee, since 2011.

Mr. Felton joined Trustonic in 2012, as part of its creation as a joint venture by ARM, Gemalto and Giesecke & Devrient. Mr. Felton has driven deployment and understanding of TEE based security technology since its creation and has been an active contributor to the Trusted Computing Group Mobile Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 1.2 developments, Open Mobile Terminal Platform (OMTP) Advanced Trusted Environment (ATE) standards and GlobalPlatform Specifications.

Carolina Lavatelli

Carolina Lavatelli

Co-Founder and CTO

Internet of Trust

Ms. Lavatelli has been elected as Chair of GlobalPlatform’s TES Labs Working Group.

As co-founder and CTO of Internet of Trust, Ms. Lavetelli has large expertise in the design and set up of security evaluation programs, in particular for smartcards, terminals, mobile devices and content protection. She is the lead author of numerous Protection Profiles and evaluation methodologies and participates actively to a number of international standardisation working groups.

Ms. Lavatelli participates in a number of standardization groups including ISCI, JTEMS and GlobalPlatform, and actively contributes to the usage and adoption of Common Criteria.

Hervé Sibert

Security Architect


Mr. Sibert has been elected as Chair of the TES Security Working Group.

Mr. Sibert is Security Architect at Apple, working on security features in the space of SE and TEE. Prior to this, he worked on cryptography and information security in general at Orange, NXP, ST- Ericsson and then STMicroelectronics, supporting the deployment of TEE technology since its inception. Mr. Sibert has published 20 academic papers and is the inventor of more than 30 patents in embedded and information security.

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