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TPS 委员会

TPS 委员会由来自 Qualcomm 的 Jeremy O’Donoghue 担任主席。 所有加入 GlobalPlatform 的成员均有资格为此小组做出贡献。

TPS 委员会制定了具备如下特色的开放式规范:

  • 提供允许访问标准化安全组件(例如 SETEE)所提供平台服务的机制,这些安全组件来自设备内部和外部平台。
  • 通过可证明的信任链(从信任根 (RoT) 到应用或云),确保安全组件在支持安全服务的设备中的可信赖性。

其目的是使来自不同市场部门的服务提供商和应用开发人员能够更轻松地将其产品中安全组件提供的强大安全技术链接在一起。 通过 GlobalPlatform 的设备信任架构 (DTA) 实现这一目标。



  • 通过定义高级平台服务来制定和维护现有的 GlobalPlatform 规范
  • 与市场上目前提供的现有技术协作。
  • 为托管安全应用的设备定义新规范,这些设备依赖于在 RoT 和安全根上固有的信任链。
  • 制订和维护与其所管理规范相关的 GlobalPlatform 认证计划,以推进和确保市场内的互操作性。


  • 开发 RoT 服务和支持这些服务的 API,包括证书存储、安全存储、授权服务、服务发现以及设备注册和更新。
  • 开发用于证明设备状态和服务的 API。
  • 制定密钥库 API 规范。
  • 制定安全组件 BLE 连接器规范。
  • 支持开发 TPS 规范的高质量开源实施。
  • 为特定的物联网 (IoT) 用例开发可互操作的配置。

设备附带 NFC 服务管理规范

GlobalPlatform 管理实体规范完善了来自 ETSI 和 NFC 论坛的补充软件标准的“栈”,该栈确保多个移动非接触式服务在设备内成功共存,并且无论服务提供商选择的托管环境如何,这些服务都将按预期运行。


SE 远程应用管理

本文档定义了一个管理协议,用于对驻留在设备中任何类型 SE 上的应用进行远程管理。 通过使用此协议,服务提供商可以开发灵活的远程管理平台,可以轻松扩展此平台以管理任何 SE 中的相同应用。


SE 访问控制

除了现有保护机制(例如限制对敏感 API 的访问权限或安全 OS 策略)之外,还使用安全元件访问控制规范。 其旨在防止对 SE 中的资源进行未经授权的访问,并且通常用于防止拒绝服务攻击(例如,PIN 阻止、非多选小程序的选择)。


Jeremy O'Donoghue

TES Committee Vice Chair


Jeremy currently serves as Director, Engineering at Qualcomm, working within the Secure Systems Group. He is responsible for architecture and development of software focused around secure platforms and NFC. In previous roles at Qualcomm, he was the lead security architect and software lead for an NFC CLF development, and has worked extensively on telephony aspects of both Android and Windows-based mobile systems. Jeremy was also an early participant in developing the GSMA NFC Handset Requirements and Testbook.

Jeremy joined the GlobalPlatform Board of Directors in 2016, and is Vice Chair of the TES Committee.

Olivier Van Nieuwenhuyze

GlobalPlatform Vice Chair
Security Task Force Chair


Olivier currently serves as Senior R&D Engineer at STMicroelectronics. Within this role he has software architecture responsibilities for the NFC ecosystem and secure elements.

He joined STMicroelectronics in 2003 and since 1999 Olivier has been active in several smart card projects for banking, transport and near field communication.

Olivier joined the GlobalPlatform Board of Directors in 2017 and was appointed as GlobalPlatform Secretary / Treasurer from 2021 – 2022. He now serves as GlobalPlatform’s Vice Chair and Security Task Force Chair.

Sampo Sovio

Principal Security Engineer


Mr. Sovio has been elected as Chair of the Functional APIs Working Group.

He has several years’ industry experience in cryptographic algorithms, PKI, usable security and security protocols. He has extensive knowledge of working with GlobalPlatform Specifications and was involved in the TEE Internal Core API from an early stage. He has vast experience in using TEE and TEE based services in real-world environments.

Suresh Marisetty

Principal Security Solutions Architect


Mr. Marisetty has been elected Vice Chair of the TSP Committee. He has extensive experience driving end-to-end system on chip security solutions from concept to product delivery. In his current role at ARM, Mr. Marisetty focuses on the emerging market segments of automotive, IoT, and embedded.  Prior to this he worked at Intel where he led large silicon solution engineering projects. Mr. Marisetty holds 25 patents, several publications, and is a co-author of the book ‘Beyond BIOS – Developing with UEFI’ and has authored many architecture specifications over the years.

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