Russ Gyurek
Russell Gyurek is the Chair of GlobalPlatform’s IoTopia Task Force and the Director, IoT-CTO and Industries in Cisco IoT CTO Group. He has over 25 years of networking related technology experience, the majority in leadership positions. Russ’ range of expertise includes IoT/connectivity of things, analytics and big data, cloud, optical networking technologies, broadband architectures and related technical policy, strategic partnerships and emerging market development. He has held various leadership roles in creating strategy and direction in these areas.
In Russ’ current role he is responsible for technology leadership, market development, future looking university research engagements, partner due diligence and enablement related to IoT and IoT security baselines and policy. The CTO group evaluates future trends, emerging standards, technologies, and architectures that drive and influence Cisco’s market portfolio relating to IoT. He also works closely with the vertical solutions organization – turning strategy into real world IoT deployments, including IIoT, connected transportation and connected communities. For the past year he has been leading an industry wide effort focused on the security and scale-ability of “things”. This effort is now in productization and development with the various players in the IoT eco-system which has led to the creation of an industry consortia called IoTopia. In addition, Russ is a value-of-the-infrastructure advisor to customers, helping to create new business models and use cases to leverage network data for cloud and real time event processing.
Russ engaged in numerous sponsored research work at various universities during his 20 year career at Cisco. In industry related work, he holds a board seats on University of Washington IoT Board, and the NCSU ECE strategic advisory board, Georgia Tech’s CDAIT board, RTCC board, the CleanTech Corridor board and represents Cisco on RIOT (regional IoT organization). In these board roles he has collaborated with multi-stakeholders to create new programs for IoT and data science/analysis. Russ has held board roles in the past on the FTTH Council and the OCF (Open Connectivity Foundation). He is a participating member on Global Platform- leading the technical committee for IoTopia, 5GAA, and 5G ACIA. He has given numerous keynotes at conferences and research workshops on IoT and related topics. Russ has played key roles in IEEE standards development and ratification including 802.3. Russ holds an appointed position on the FCC-TAC (Technical Advisory Council) where he has chaired Working Groups on the “sunset of the PSTN”, “network resiliency”, “IoT”, Next Generation Internet and “Next Generation Policy and Regulations”. He is currently the working group Chairman for the 5G/IoT FCC working group team. He was just reappointed to another 2-year term on the FCC TAC in May of 2019. Russ has led and participated on numerous technical policy teams in the past 10 years. These include the state of California, West Virginia, and the country of Lebanon. Prior to Cisco, Russ held senior technical and leadership roles at BellSouth (AT&T), in the networking part of the business.