José Ruiz
jtsec Beyond IT Security
José Ruiz is Co-director at jtsec Beyond IT Security. Among his duties, he supports the company’s business development both nationally in Spain and internationally.
José has been working in the field of cybersecurity certification as an evaluator, consultant, and technical director for more than 15 years in different standards including CC, FIPS 140-3, SESIP, and LINCE. His experience has led him to participate as a speaker at multiple industry events such as ICCC (International Common Criteria Conference), ICMC (International Cryptographic Module Conference) or ENISA Cybersecurity Certification Conference.
He is a member of the Stakeholder Cybersecurity Certification Group (SCCG) and has been co-editor of the EN 17640 ‘Fixed-time cybersecurity evaluation methodology for ICT products’ (FITCEM)” at CEN/CENELEC. During his career, he has participated actively in different working groups such as CTN320, ISO SC27, CEN/CENELEC, GlobalPlatform TEE, and ERNCIP "IACS Cybersecurity certification". Jose has also participated in the standardization process of SESIP at CEN/CENELEC.